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To run the examples, you need to clone ActiveJ from GitHub:

git clone

And import it as a Maven project. Check out tag v6.0-beta2. Before running the examples, build the project. These examples are located at activej/examples/core/http

Simple "Hello World" Server

HelloWorldExample uses the HttpServer class of the HTTP module. It is a non-blocking server that runs in an eventloop reactor:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Eventloop eventloop = Eventloop.create();
HttpServer server = HttpServer.builder(eventloop,
request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello world!")


System.out.println("Server is running");
System.out.println("You can connect from browser by visiting 'http://localhost:8080/'");;

This server runs in the provided eventloop and waits for connections on port 8080. When the server receives a request, it sends back a Promise of greeting response.


To add support for HTTPS to HttpServer you need to call withSslListenAddress or withSslListenAddresses builder method and pass SSLContext, Executor, and a port or address for the server to be listening on.

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080.

See full example on GitHub

"Hello World" Server with pre-defined Launcher

Launchers manage the lifecycle of applications and allow you to create applications in a simple way:

public final class HttpHelloWorldExample extends HttpServerLauncher {
AsyncServlet servlet() {
return request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello World")

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Launcher launcher = new HttpHelloWorldExample();

All you have to do is provide a servlet that handles the requests and launch the application. HttpServerLauncher will take care of the rest.

See full example on GitHub

Custom Server

With Launcher you can easily create HTTP servers from scratch. In this example, we create a simple server that sends a greeting:

public final class CustomHttpServerExample extends Launcher {
private static final int PORT = 8080;

NioReactor reactor() {
return Eventloop.create();

AsyncServlet servlet() {
return request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from HTTP server")

HttpServer server(NioReactor reactor, AsyncServlet servlet) {
return HttpServer.builder(reactor, servlet)

protected Module getModule() {
return ServiceGraphModule.create();

protected void run() throws Exception {"HTTP Server is now available at http://localhost:" + PORT);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Launcher launcher = new CustomHttpServerExample();

First, we provide a reactor, a servlet, and a reactive server itself. Then, we override getModule method to provide our server with configs and ServiceGraphModule to build the service dependency graph.

Finally, we override the Launcher's main method run() and then define the main method of the example.

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Multithreaded Server Example

In this example we use the predefined MultithreadedHttpServerLauncher to create a multithreaded HTTP server. By default, there will be 4 worker servlets with workerIds. Each of them sends back a greeting and the number of the worker that served the connection:

public final class MultithreadedHttpServerExample extends MultithreadedHttpServerLauncher {
AsyncServlet servlet(@WorkerId int workerId) {
return request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from worker server #" + workerId + "\n")

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MultithreadedHttpServerExample example = new MultithreadedHttpServerExample();

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Request Parameters Example

This example demonstrates handling of requests with parameters which are received with methods getPostParameters and getQueryParameter

IStaticLoader staticLoader(Reactor reactor, Executor executor) {
return IStaticLoader.ofClassPath(reactor, executor, RESOURCE_DIR);

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor, IStaticLoader staticLoader) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(POST, "/hello", request -> request.loadBody()
.then($ -> {
String name = request.getPostParameters().get("name");
return HttpResponse.ok200()
.withHtml("<h1><center>Hello from POST, " + name + "!</center></h1>")
.with(GET, "/hello", request -> {
String name = request.getQueryParameter("name");
return HttpResponse.ok200()
.withHtml("<h1><center>Hello from GET, " + name + "!</center></h1>")
.with("/*", StaticServlet.builder(reactor, staticLoader)

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Static Servlet Example

Shows how to set up and utilize StaticServlet to create servlets with some static content, in our case it will get content from the static/site directory.

IStaticLoader staticLoader(Reactor reactor, Executor executor) {
return IStaticLoader.ofClassPath(reactor, executor, "static/site");

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor, IStaticLoader staticLoader) {
return StaticServlet.builder(reactor, staticLoader)

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Routing Servlet Example

Represents how to set up servlet routing tree. This process resembles Express approach. To add a route to a RoutingServlet, you should use method with of RoutingServet's builder:

.with(GET, "/", request ->
<h1>Go to some pages</h1>
<a href="/path1"> Path 1 </a><br>
<a href="/path2"> Path 2 </a><br>
<a href="/user/0"> Data for user with ID 0 </a><br>
<a href="/path3"> Non existent </a>
  • method (optional) is one of the HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc)
  • path is the path on the server
  • servlet defines the logic of request processing.

The whole servlet tree will look as follows:

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(GET, "/", request ->
<h1>Go to some pages</h1>
<a href="/path1"> Path 1 </a><br>
<a href="/path2"> Path 2 </a><br>
<a href="/user/0"> Data for user with ID 0 </a><br>
<a href="/path3"> Non existent </a>
.with(GET, "/path1", request ->
<h1>Hello from the first path!</h1>
<a href="/">Go home</a>
.with(GET, "/path2", request ->
<h1>Hello from the second path!</h1>
<a href="/">Go home</a>

.with(GET, "/user/:user_id", request -> {
String userId = request.getPathParameter("user_id");
return HttpResponse.ok200()
<h1>You have requested data for user with ID: $userId</h1>
<h3>Try changing URL after <i>'.../user/'</i> to get data for users with different IDs</h3>
.replace("$userId", userId))

.with("/*", request ->
<h1>404</h1><p>Path '$path' not found</p>
<a href="/">Go home</a>
.replace("$path", request.getRelativePath()))

You can map path parameters with /:param syntax:

.with(GET, "/user/:user_id", request -> {
String userId = request.getPathParameter("user_id");
return HttpResponse.ok200()
<h1>You have requested data for user with ID: $userId</h1>
<h3>Try changing URL after <i>'.../user/'</i> to get data for users with different IDs</h3>
.replace("$userId", userId))

Path parameters can be retrieved by calling HttpRequest#getPathParameter method and passing the name of the path parameter.

You may also use wildcard route *:

.with("/*", request ->
<h1>404</h1><p>Path '$path' not found</p>
<a href="/">Go home</a>
.replace("$path", request.getRelativePath()))

* states that whichever next path segment is received, it will be processed by this servlet.

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Dynamic Routing Examples

A few examples that demonstrate how to route HTTP requests by some dynamic values rather than by predefined paths:

Routing Servlet Multibinder

Using Dependency Injection you can provide RoutingServlets in different modules. Such bindings would result in DI throwing an exception because of conflicting RoutingServlet.class keys. However, you can instruct the DI to resolve conflicts by merging RoutingServlets into a single RoutingServlet that contains all the routes specified in other routing servlets.

In the example we declare several modules that provide RoutingServlet with different routes:

private static final class ModuleA extends AbstractModule {
RoutingServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(GET, "/a", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/a' path\n")
.with(GET, "/b", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/b' path\n")
.with(GET, "/", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/' path\n")
private static final class ModuleB extends AbstractModule {
RoutingServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(GET, "/a/b", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/a/b' path\n")
.with(GET, "/b/a", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/b/a' path\n")
.with(GET, "/d", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/d' path\n")
private static final class ModuleC extends AbstractModule {
RoutingServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(GET, "/a/c", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/a/c' path\n")
.with(GET, "/b/c", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from '/b/c' path\n")
.with(POST, "/d", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Hello from POST '/d' path\n")

Next, we define a Multibinder which merges conflicting servlets:

public static final Multibinder<RoutingServlet> SERVLET_MULTIBINDER = Multibinders.ofBinaryOperator(RoutingServlet::merge);

At last, we override HttpServerLauncher#getBusinesLogicModule method to provide a combined DI Module that contains ModuleA, ModuleB, ModuleC as well as an installed Multibinder for DI Key RoutingServlet.class.

If we launch the example, we can see that there are no conflicts as conflicting servlets where successfully merged together. We can open a web browser and visit any of the specified routes to make sure that routing is working properly:


If you try to merge RoutingServlets that have identical routes mapped, an exception would be thrown

Blocking Servlet Example

Shows how to create a new thread for processing some complex operations on a BlockingServlet

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor, Executor executor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with("/", request -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withHtml("<a href='hardWork'>Do hard work</a>")
.with("/hardWork", AsyncServlet.ofBlocking(executor, request -> {
Thread.sleep(2000); //Hard work
return HttpResponse.ok200()
.withHtml("Hard work is done")

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

File Upload Example

In this example user uploads a file from local storage to the server:

IStaticLoader staticLoader(Reactor reactor, Executor executor) {
return IStaticLoader.ofClassPath(reactor, executor, "static/multipart/");

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor, IStaticLoader staticLoader, Executor executor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(GET, "/*", StaticServlet.builder(reactor, staticLoader)
.with(POST, "/test", request ->
request.handleMultipart(AsyncMultipartDataHandler.file(fileName ->, path.resolve(fileName))))
.then($ -> HttpResponse.ok200()
.withPlainText("Upload successful")

To check how the example works, open your favorite browser and go to localhost:8080

See full example on GitHub

Client Example

This example shows how to create an HTTP client using Launcher, predefined HttpClient, and DnsClient (maps given domains to the corresponding IP addresses):

IHttpClient client(NioReactor reactor, IDnsClient dnsClient) {
return HttpClient.builder(reactor)

IDnsClient dnsClient(NioReactor reactor, Config config) {
return DnsClient.builder(reactor)
.withDnsServerAddress(config.get(ofInetAddress(), "dns.address"))
.withTimeout(config.get(ofDuration(), "dns.timeout"))

To add support for HTTPS to HttpClient you need to call withSslEnabled builder method and pass SSLContext and Executor

Override Launcher getModule method to provide needed configs and ServiceGraph dependency graph:

protected Module getModule() {
return combine(

Config config() {
return Config.create()
.with("dns.address", "")
.with("dns.timeout", "5 seconds")

Since our client extends Launcher, it overrides method run which defines the main functionality. In our case, it sends a request, waits for server response (either successful or failed) and then processes it:

protected void run() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
String url = args.length != 0 ? args[0] : "";
System.out.println("\nHTTP request: " + url);
CompletableFuture<String> future = reactor.submit(() ->
.then(response -> response.loadBody())
.map(body -> body.getString(UTF_8))
System.out.println("HTTP response: " + future.get());

reactor.submit submits request sending and response receiving to the reactor. So, our main thread will wait until future in the reactor thread will return a result and only then the response will be printed out

To check how the client works, launch Simple "Hello World" Server or Custom HTTP server and then run ClientExample

See full example on GitHub

Multipart Data Handling Example

POST requests can sometimes be encoded as Multipart/form-data. Such requests may contain multiple fields and files. The HttpRequest#handleMultipart method can be used to handle a request containing multipart data. You need to pass an instance of MultipartDataHandler to this method. There MultipartDataHandler class contains several common handlers. You can use them to collect fields to a map, send a file to some ChannelConsumer<ByteBuf>, etc. Or you can write your own MultipartDataHandler if that is not enough.

In this example we will collect fields to a map end upload received files to some directory. After this we will log the collected fields and the number of uploaded files:

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.with(POST, "/handleMultipart", request -> {
Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<>();

return request.handleMultipart(AsyncMultipartDataHandler.fieldsToMap(fields, this::upload))
.then($ -> {"Received fields: {}", fields);"Uploaded {} files total", fileUploadsCount);
return HttpResponse.ok200().toPromise();

To upload the received file to a file system we will use a ChannelFileWritter:

private Promise<ChannelConsumer<ByteBuf>> upload(String filename) {"Uploading file '{}' to {}", filename, path);
return, path.resolve(filename))
.map(writer -> writer.withAcknowledgement(ack ->
ack.whenResult(() -> {"Upload of file '{}' finished", filename);

The Multipart/form-data request is manually forged and contains several fields and files. After running the example you should see a similar logging output:

Uploading file 'data.txt' to /tmp/multipart-data-files4909047508332989372
Upload of file 'data.txt' finished
Uploading file 'key.txt' to /tmp/multipart-data-files4909047508332989372
Upload of file 'key.txt' finished
Received fields: {last name=Johnson, first name=Alice, id=12345}
Uploaded 2 files total

You may inspect the directory from logging output to ensure the files are uploaded.

See full example on GitHub

WebSocket Pong Server

Let's create a "Pong" WebSocket server. To do this we need to provide a RoutingServlet and use withWebSocket method to map a Consumer of WebSocket as a servlet on /path. Our server will simply receive the messages, print them out, and send back the "Pong" message.

AsyncServlet servlet(Reactor reactor) {
return RoutingServlet.builder(reactor)
.withWebSocket("/", webSocket -> webSocket.readMessage()
.whenResult(message -> System.out.println("Received:" + message.getText()))
.then(() -> webSocket.writeMessage(Message.text("Pong")))

See full example on GitHub

WebSocket Ping Client

Now let's create a client that will send a "Ping" message to server via a WebSocket connection.

protected void run() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
String url = args.length != 0 ? args[0] : "ws://";
System.out.println("\nWeb Socket request: " + url);
CompletableFuture<?> future = reactor.submit(() -> {
System.out.println("Sending: Ping");
return webSocketClient.webSocketRequest(HttpRequest.get(url).build())
.then(webSocket -> webSocket.writeMessage(Message.text("Ping"))
.whenResult(message -> System.out.println("Received: " + message.getText()))

First, we create a supplier and override its get method using lambda. Here we call IWebSocketClient.webSocketRequest that sends a request and returns a Promise of a IWebSocket. Then we create a Function that sends a "Ping" message and receives a response from server.

See full example on GitHub