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Basic Examples


To run the examples, you need to clone ActiveJ from GitHub

git clone

And import it as a Maven project. Check out tag v6.0-beta2. Before running the examples, build the project. Simple RPC Example are located at activej/examples/cloud/rpc

RPC strategies examples are located at activej/cloud-rpc/src/test/RpcStrategiesTest

Simple RPC Example

In the "Hello World" client and server RPC Example, the client sends a request to the server containing the word "World". When the server receives it, it sends a response containing the word "Hello ". If everything succeeds, we get the following output:

Got result: Hello World

Let's take a look at the implementation:

public class RpcExample extends Launcher {
private static final int SERVICE_PORT = 34765;

private IRpcClient client;

private RpcServer server;

private Reactor reactor;

NioReactor reactor() {
return Eventloop.create();

RpcServer rpcServer(NioReactor reactor) {
return RpcServer.builder(reactor)
request -> Promise.of("Hello " + request))

IRpcClient rpcClient(NioReactor reactor) {
return RpcClient.builder(reactor)
.withStrategy(server(new InetSocketAddress(SERVICE_PORT)))

Initializer<ServiceGraphModuleSettings> configureServiceGraph() {
// add logical dependency so that service graph starts client only after it started the server
return settings -> settings.withDependency(Key.of(IRpcClient.class), Key.of(RpcServer.class));

protected Module getModule() {
return ServiceGraphModule.create();

protected void run() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
CompletableFuture<Object> future = reactor.submit(() ->
client.sendRequest("World", 1000)
System.out.printf("%nRPC result: %s %n%n", future.get());

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RpcExample example = new RpcExample();

The RpcExample class extends ActiveJ Launcher to help us manage the lifecycle of the application.

Next, we use the Dependency Injection library ActiveJ Inject to provide RPC Server and RPC Client with the appropriate configurations and necessary dependencies. The RPC Client sends requests with a String message to the specified server according to the provided RPC strategy (getting a single RPC-service). For the RpcServer we define the message types to handle, a corresponding RpcRequestHandler and a listen port.

Since we are extending Launcher, we will also override 2 methods: getModule to provide ServiceGraphModule and run to describe the main logic of the example.

We also provide an initializer for ServiceGraphModuleSettings. As we launch RPC client and server in the same launcher, we need to instruct ServiceGraph that RPC client depends on RPC server and needs to be started after the server has been started.

Finally, we define the main method, which will launch our example.

You can find example sources on GitHub

Round-Robin Strategy

ActiveJ RPC contains predefined strategies for arranging requests between RPC servers or shards of servers. Round-Robin is one of the simplest of strategies: it simply cycles through servers or shards one by one.

In this example we create an RPC pool with 5 identical connections and set a Round-Robin strategy for them. Then we create a sender for the pool with the previously defined strategy. That's it, 100 requests will be evenly distributed among the servers:

public void roundRobinTest() {
RpcClientConnectionPoolStub pool = new RpcClientConnectionPoolStub();
RpcSenderStub connection1 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection2 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection3 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection4 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection5 = new RpcSenderStub();
pool.put(address1, connection1);
pool.put(address2, connection2);
pool.put(address3, connection3);
pool.put(address4, connection4);
pool.put(address5, connection5);
int iterations = 100;
RpcStrategy strategy = RpcStrategies.roundRobin(servers(address1, address2, address3, address4, address5));

RpcSender sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
sender.sendRequest(new Object(), 50, ignore());

List<RpcSenderStub> connections =
List.of(connection1, connection2, connection3, connection4, connection5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
assertEquals(iterations / 5, connections.get(i).getRequests());

You can find example sources on GitHub

Round-Robin and First Available Strategies Combined

You can simply combine RPC strategies. In this example, we will combine a Round Robin and a First Available strategies.

First, we create 4 connections without putting connection3 into the pool. Then we start sending 20 requests. As a result, all requests will be evenly distributed between connection1 (as it is always first available) and connection4 (as connection3 is not available for the pool):

public void roundRobinAndFirstAvailableTest() {
RpcClientConnectionPoolStub pool = new RpcClientConnectionPoolStub();
RpcSenderStub connection1 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection2 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection3 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection4 = new RpcSenderStub();
pool.put(address1, connection1);
pool.put(address2, connection2);
// we don't put connection3
pool.put(address4, connection4);
int iterations = 20;
RpcStrategy strategy = RpcStrategies.roundRobin(
firstAvailable(servers(address1, address2)),
firstAvailable(servers(address3, address4)));

RpcSender sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
sender.sendRequest(new Object(), 50, assertNoCalls());

assertEquals(iterations / 2, connection1.getRequests());
assertEquals(0, connection2.getRequests());
assertEquals(0, connection3.getRequests());
assertEquals(iterations / 2, connection4.getRequests());

You can find example sources on GitHub

Sharding and First Valid Strategies Combined

You can also create your own sharding functions and combine them with other strategies as needed. In this example, we create 5 identical connections but we do not put connection2 into the pool. Next, we provide a simple sharding function that distributes requests among shards according to the content of the request. We split the connections into two shards and set a First Valid Result strategy for both. This strategy sends the request to all available servers.

Now, we manually send 7 requests:

  • 4 with 0 message, so they will be sent to the first shard's connection1
  • 3 with 1, so they will all be sent to all three connections of the second shard
public void shardingAndFirstValidTest() {
RpcClientConnectionPoolStub pool = new RpcClientConnectionPoolStub();
RpcSenderStub connection1 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection2 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection3 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection4 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection5 = new RpcSenderStub();
pool.put(address1, connection1);
// we don't put connection2
pool.put(address3, connection3);
pool.put(address4, connection4);
pool.put(address5, connection5);
int shardsCount = 2;
RpcStrategy strategy = sharding(
item -> (Integer) item % shardsCount,
firstValidResult(servers(address1, address2)),
firstValidResult(servers(address3, address4, address5)));

RpcSender sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
sender.sendRequest(0, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(0, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(1, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(1, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(0, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(0, 50, assertNoCalls());
sender.sendRequest(1, 50, assertNoCalls());

assertEquals(4, connection1.getRequests());
assertEquals(0, connection2.getRequests());
assertEquals(3, connection3.getRequests());
assertEquals(3, connection4.getRequests());
assertEquals(3, connection5.getRequests());

You can find example sources on GitHub

Rendezvous Hashing Strategy

Rendezvous hashing strategy pre-computes the hash function for the RpcSender and creates a map of RPC servers. The map is stored in a cache and will be recalculated only if servers go online/offline.

In this example, requests will be evenly distributed between connection1, connection2, and connection3:

public void rendezvousHashingTest() {
RpcClientConnectionPoolStub pool = new RpcClientConnectionPoolStub();
RpcSenderStub connection1 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection2 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection3 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection4 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection5 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcStrategy strategy = RendezvousHashing.builder((Integer item) -> item)
.withShard(1, firstAvailable(servers(address1, address2)))
.withShard(2, firstAvailable(servers(address3, address4)))
.withShard(3, server(address5))
int iterationsPerLoop = 1000;
RpcSender sender;

pool.put(address1, connection1);
pool.put(address2, connection2);
pool.put(address3, connection3);
pool.put(address4, connection4);
pool.put(address5, connection5);
sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
for (int i = 0; i < iterationsPerLoop; i++) {
sender.sendRequest(i, 50, ignore());

When we remove some connections from the pool, the hash function is recalculated:

sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
for (int i = 0; i < iterationsPerLoop; i++) {
sender.sendRequest(i, 50, ignore());

double acceptableError = iterationsPerLoop / 10.0;
assertEquals(iterationsPerLoop / 3.0 + iterationsPerLoop / 2.0, connection1.getRequests(), acceptableError);
assertEquals(0, connection2.getRequests());
assertEquals(iterationsPerLoop / 3.0, connection3.getRequests(), acceptableError);
assertEquals(0, connection4.getRequests());
assertEquals(iterationsPerLoop / 3.0 + iterationsPerLoop / 2.0, connection5.getRequests(), acceptableError);

You can find example sources on GitHub

Type Dispatch Strategy

This strategy simply distributes requests among shards according to the type of the request. In the example, all String requests are sent on the first shard, which has a First Valid Result strategy for servers. Requests of all other types are sent to the second shard with a First Available strategy. The result is that connection1 and connection2 will handle 35 requests, connection3 will handle 25 requests, while connection4 and connection5 will handle 0 requests becasue connection3 was always First Available:

public void typeDispatchTest() {
RpcClientConnectionPoolStub pool = new RpcClientConnectionPoolStub();
RpcSenderStub connection1 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection2 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection3 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection4 = new RpcSenderStub();
RpcSenderStub connection5 = new RpcSenderStub();
pool.put(address1, connection1);
pool.put(address2, connection2);
pool.put(address3, connection3);
pool.put(address4, connection4);
pool.put(address5, connection5);
int timeout = 50;
int iterationsPerDataStub = 25;
int iterationsPerDataStubWithKey = 35;
RpcSender sender;
RpcStrategy strategy = TypeDispatching.builder()
firstValidResult(servers(address1, address2)))
firstAvailable(servers(address3, address4, address5)))

sender = strategy.createSender(pool);
for (int i = 0; i < iterationsPerDataStub; i++) {
sender.sendRequest(new Object(), timeout, assertNoCalls());
for (int i = 0; i < iterationsPerDataStubWithKey; i++) {
sender.sendRequest("request", timeout, assertNoCalls());

assertEquals(iterationsPerDataStubWithKey, connection1.getRequests());
assertEquals(iterationsPerDataStubWithKey, connection2.getRequests());
assertEquals(iterationsPerDataStub, connection3.getRequests());
assertEquals(0, connection4.getRequests());
assertEquals(0, connection5.getRequests());

You can find example sources on GitHub