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To run the examples in an IDE, you need to clone ActiveJ project:

git clone

And import it as a Maven project. Check out branch v6.0-beta2. Before running the example, build the project (Ctrl + F9 for IntelliJ IDEA).

Server Setup

Let's take a closer look at the Server Setup Example. To make setup and launching as easy as possible, there is a special SimpleTcpServerLauncher, an implementation of ActiveJ Launcher (abstracted implementation of main methods). It allows you to simply set up applications, so all you need to configure an FS server is to override a few Launcher methods:

  • onInit - runs prior to application start
  • createConfig - overrides SimpleTcpServerLauncher's method and adds custom configuration
  • run - Launcher's main method, represents business logic

Then launch the Launcher

public class ServerSetupExample extends SimpleTcpServerLauncher {
private Path storage;

protected void onInit(Injector injector) throws Exception {
storage = Files.createTempDirectory("server_storage");

protected Config createConfig() {
return super.createConfig()
.with("fs.path", storage.toString())
.with("fs.listenAddresses", "6732")

protected void run() throws Exception {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Launcher launcher = new ServerSetupExample();

See full example on GitHub

File Upload

FileUploadExample also extends Launcher and thus implements the above Launcher methods.

In this example, we will use an IFileSystem instance that depends on the asynchronous ActiveJ Eventloop To simplify working with dependencies, we will use the ActiveJ Inject DI library. It is lightning fast, efficient, and perfectly compatible with Launcher. So we simply @Inject two instances and add @Provides factory methods. As in the previous example, we will also overwrite Launcher's methods onInit, getModule, and run.

Also, this example uses the ActiveJ CSP component, specifically the ChannelFileReader class. It allows asynchronously reading binary data from files.

You can see full example sources on GitHub, here we will consider only the upload process that is defined in the overwritten method run.

protected void run() throws Exception {
ExecutorService executor = newSingleThreadExecutor();
CompletableFuture<Void> future = reactor.submit(() ->
// consumer result here is a marker of it being successfully uploaded, clientFile)
.then(cfr -> cfr.streamTo(client.upload(FILE_NAME, EXAMPLE_TEXT.length())))
.whenResult(() -> System.out.printf("%nFile '%s' successfully uploaded%n%n", FILE_NAME))
try {
} finally {

See full example on GitHub

File Download

FileDownloadExample has an implementation similar to the File Upload example. Here we will only look at the download process, which is defined in the overwritten run() method.

protected void run() throws Exception {
ExecutorService executor = newSingleThreadExecutor();
CompletableFuture<Void> future = reactor.submit(() ->
.streamTo(, clientStorage.resolve(DOWNLOADED_FILE)))
.whenResult(() -> System.out.printf("%nFile '%s' successfully downloaded to '%s'%n%n",
REQUIRED_FILE, clientStorage))
try {
} finally {

See full example on GitHub

FileSystem Decorator

Sometimes you may need to override/extend the default behavior of IFileSystem implementation. You can use a Decorator pattern to do this. The DecoratedFileSystemExample demonstrates how to do just that. It decorates the IFileSystem implementation by adding additional logs for uploading and downloading files.

DecoratedFileSystemExample extends ServerSetupExample, so it inherits its DI bindings. First, we need to override the binding for FileSystemServer to pass decorated IFileSystem instead of the original one. To do this, we will override the Launcher#getOverrideModule method and provide a new binding for FileSystemServer that uses the decorated IFileSystem.

protected Module getOverrideModule() {
return new AbstractModule() {
FileSystemServer fileSystemServer(NioReactor reactor, @Named("decorated") IFileSystem decoratedFS, Config config) {
return FileSystemServer.builder(reactor, decoratedFS)

IFileSystem decoratedFileSystem(IFileSystem fs) {
return new LoggingFileSystem(fs);

As you can see, in the decoratedFileSystem(IFileSystem fs) method we request the original IFileSystem and return the decorated one (wrapped in LoggingFileSystem).

private static final class LoggingFileSystem extends ForwardingFileSystem {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingFileSystem.class);

public LoggingFileSystem(IFileSystem peer) {

public Promise<ChannelConsumer<ByteBuf>> upload(String name, long size) {
return super.upload(name)
.map(consumer -> {"Starting upload of file: {}. File size is {} bytes", name, size);
return consumer
.withAcknowledgement(ack -> ack
.whenResult(() ->"Upload of file {} finished", name)));

public Promise<ChannelSupplier<ByteBuf>> download(String name, long offset, long limit) {
return, offset, limit)
.map(supplier -> {"Starting downloading file: {}", name);
return supplier
.withEndOfStream(eos -> eos
.whenResult(() ->"Download of file {} finished", name)));


LoggingFileSystem extends ForwardingFileSystem, which simply delegates all IFileSystem method calls to some underlying IFileSystem instance. We override the methods we want to decorate (download, upload) and add custom logging messages when upload/download starts and finishes.

You can run FileUploadExample followed by FileDownloadExample After this you should see logging output:

INFO Starting upload of file: example.txt. File size is 12 bytes
INFO Upload of file example.txt finished
INFO Starting downloading file: example.txt
INFO Download of file example.txt finished

See full example on GitHub

Cluster File Storage

With ActiveJ FS you can easily create a distributed cluster file storage with high fault tolerance. We will use Docker to launch three virtual servers and one client. The storage will support file uploads with automatic repartitioning according to a given rule and number of replicas.

The first thing we need to do is to create a ClusterTcpServerLauncher class for our server. Extend SimpleTcpServerLauncher to get all the necessary instances: FileSystemServer, local IFileSystem, HttpServer for the GUI, which will simplify working with your storage, and other helper instances. In ClusterTcpServerLauncher, we will only need to configure utils for repartitioning management, such as task schedulers, ClusterRepartitionController, and FileSystemPartitions to track alive partitions and their statuses. The partitions will communicate over TCP, while the GUI server will use HTTP.

TaskScheduler repartitionScheduler(ClusterRepartitionController controller, Config config) {
return TaskScheduler.builder(controller.getReactor(), controller::repartition)

TaskScheduler deadCheckScheduler(Config config, FileSystemPartitions partitions) {
return TaskScheduler.builder(partitions.getReactor(), partitions::checkDeadPartitions)

ClusterRepartitionController repartitionController(
Reactor reactor, FileSystemServer localServer, FileSystemPartitions partitions, Config config
) {
String localPartitionId = first(partitions.getAllPartitions());
assert localPartitionId != null;

return ClusterRepartitionController.builder(reactor, localPartitionId, partitions)

IDiscoveryService discoveryService(NioReactor reactor,
IFileSystem fileSystem,
Config config) throws MalformedDataException {

return Initializers.constantDiscoveryService(reactor, fileSystem, config);

FileSystemPartitions fileSystemPartitions(Reactor reactor, IDiscoveryService discoveryService, OptionalDependency<ServerSelector> serverSelector) {
return FileSystemPartitions.builder(reactor, discoveryService)

Now we can move on to creating the ClusterTcpClientLauncher class. We need to provide the ClusterRepartitionController and a task scheduler to detect dead partitions. Similar to the server launcher, we need to provide an HttpServer for the GUI and FileSystemPartitions for partition management. We also need an instance of the ClusterFileSystem class, an implementation of IFileSystem that works with other partitions as a cluster and contains some redundancy and fail tolerance features.

TaskScheduler deadCheckScheduler(Config config, FileSystemPartitions partitions) {
return TaskScheduler.builder(partitions.getReactor(), partitions::checkDeadPartitions)

HttpServer guiServer(NioReactor reactor, AsyncServlet servlet, Config config) {
return HttpServer.builder(reactor, servlet)

AsyncServlet guiServlet(Reactor reactor, IFileSystem fileSystem) {
return FileSystemGuiServlet.create(reactor, fileSystem, "Cluster FS Client");

IFileSystem fileSystem(Reactor reactor, FileSystemPartitions partitions, Config config) {
return ClusterFileSystem.builder(reactor, partitions)

IDiscoveryService discoveryService(NioReactor reactor, Config config) throws MalformedDataException {
return Initializers.constantDiscoveryService(reactor, config);

FileSystemPartitions fileSystemPartitions(Reactor reactor, IDiscoveryService discoveryService) {
return FileSystemPartitions.create(reactor, discoveryService);

Here's the architecture of our distributed P2P storage:

Distributed P2P storageDistributed P2P storage

You can create as many partitions as you wish.

To launch the example, run the following scripts to create Docker images and build containers (run all the scripts under activej/launchers/fs directory):

# building two images for server and client
docker build -t cluster-server -f ClusterServerDockerfile .
docker build -t cluster-client -f ClusterClientDockerfile .
# launching all the servers and client instances in background
docker-compose up -d

The containers will be built with the following configurations:

  • Server1: TCP-connection port 9001, HTTP GUI port 8081
  • Server2: TCP-connection port 9002, HTTP GUI port 8082
  • Server3: TCP-connection port 9003, HTTP GUI port 8083
  • Client: HTTP GUI port 8080

Use this script to manage containers:

# to stop a single container:
docker-compose stop server1
# to stop all the containers:
docker-compose down
# check containers status:
docker-compose ps

See full example on GitHub